Hacking Facebook,Twitter,Instagram Account Passwords with BruteForce After a long time, I Present you, Faitagram . I was disappointed, no one replied to this Anyway enough talking, Lets get right into the tutorial. Step 1 Getting Ready By the way, Faitagram stands for Fa(cebook)(tw)it(ter)(inst)agram. To clone the script, what you need to type in the terminal is : git clone https://github.com/Juniorn1003/Faitagram.git/ — Faitagram To clone the Faitagram script. After you cloned, type "ls" to see what is inside the folder. After you typed that, you would see 5 things : License, Readme, faitagram, setup.py and wlist. License is just a MIT license, Readme has informations about the script on it, faitagram is the main source, setup.py is for the installing dependencies, and wlist is a wordlist. You have that? Now lets chmod the files so we can access it. chmod +x faitagram &...