How to Secretly Hack Into, Switch On, & Watch Anyone's Webcam Remotely Welcome back, my hacker novitiates! Like in my last article on remotely installing a keylogger onto somebody's computer, this guide will continue to display the abilities of Metasploit's powerful Meterpreter by hacking into the victim's webcam. This will allow us to control the webcam remotely, capturing snapshots from it. Image by TheAlieness GiselaGiardino23/ Flickr Why exactly would you want to hack into somebody's webcam? Maybe you suspect your significant other of having a fling. Or, maybe you're into blackmailing. Or, maybe you're just a creep. But the real purpose is to show just how easy it is, so you're aware that it can be done—and so you can protect yourself against it. Unlike just installing a command shell on the victim computer, the Meterpreter has the power to do numerous and nearly unlimited things on the target's computer. The key is to get t...